SIITA >> EIT Program >>Inspection / Quality
Inspection / Quality
Learn to implement procedures for the testing (To check the parametric & functional activity of circuit board) of electronic components & as well as carry...
End of training program you will be able to understand:
- Concept of QC & QA
- Understand role of QC through production system
- What is sampling
- Stage of production process where QC required
- Control charts & their uses
- Why acceptance plan is necessary
- Different quality control standards
- Introduction of QC & QA
- Sampling
- Lots
- Random sample
- Attributes
- Variable
- Phase of quality assurance
- Inspection before/after production.
- Corrective action during production.
- Quality built process.
- Inspection & when/where to inspect during production process
- Statistical process control charts
- The Control process
- Define
- Measure
- Compare to a standard
- Evaluate
- Take correction action
- Evaluate correction action
- Acceptance plans
- Type of samples
- Size of samples
- Decision criterion
- Quality Control Standards
- Six sigma & quality control
- Statistical quality control
- Statistical process control
- Deming cycle (plan, do, check, act)
- Quality function deployment (QFD)
- ISO 9000/1400 etc.